Sunday, March 8, 2009

Toilet Training: Where's Your Green?

It occured to me through the help of a couple books/ blogs, etc. I'm reading that the toilet accounts for about 1/3 of the water your house uses. Obviously, your house and you are really one in that type of observation. So here's something you can do to help your house or apartment use less water while getting the same or better performance. 

Toilet Training

Dams and/or displacement bags can help reduce the amount of water being filled into your tank each time you flush. Essentially, when you flush drinking quality water fills into the resiviour. It sits there till you flush the comode, which initiates the process of it flowing down to the bowl to wash out the #1 & #2 that might be there. 

Using a displacement bag or a dam means less of the city's drinking quality water is required to fill the tank to where it trips the plung.  

Purchase a displacement bag for only $2.00!  Or maybe the dam's your style? 

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