Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Concerns with Plastics Grow

Eating Well magazine recently published an article that people are talking about asking, Are Plastics Harming Your Health? 

The aforementioned article is just one example of an increased awareness and concern for the use of plastics. Polycarbonate plastics, used in making reusable water bottles and clear plastic food-storage containers are the target of growing cynicism among human-health preservationists.  

Scientists are discussing how hot water used in washing dishes causes plastics to break-down or erode. This results in a leaching of the foods placed in the containers later to be consumed. Also, there are suggestions that using hot water in plastics (e.g. tea, or hot soups) like a Nalgene bottle causes increased leaching. Studies show that up to 55% more leaching can be found in plastics used to transport hot liquids. 

Some of the conclusions I was able to make from the information provided was: 

(1.) To limit the number of canned food products I use 

(2.) Opt for foods in glass, or other safe or natural containers. Some plastics will be labeled BPA-free, but others won't. Moreover, it currently isn't required so it's difficult to know if its BPA-free. My advice? -Avoid plastics as much as is practically possible. 

Are you concerned about plastics? Share your thoughts here.

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